Data Protection Policy

In line with the continuing development of the FoCP website, the FoCP committee feels that it is appropriate to publish our policy regarding our data handling and your rights under the Data Protection Act (DPA) 1998. Seeking to protect the fundamental rights and freedom of persons, in particular their right to privacy in respect to processing of personal data, the Act strengthens regulations concerning the automated processing of data. It also gives you the right to see any data we hold on you and to have it corrected if it is not accurate. It gives us the responsibility of handling your data securely and ensures that we do not disclose it to other people or organisations without meeting legal conditions that protect your privacy. For example, in some circumstances we may need to ask your permission first.

One of the main issues of the Act is concerned with whether a member of the FoCP has given consent to the use and release of personal details under specific circumstances. In this matter, those who have joined the FoCP are assumed to have done so supporting the stated objectives of the Group and are thus deemed to have given implicit permission to the Friends for the use of their data supporting these objectives. The FoCP constitution states:

“The objects of the Group shall be to work for the benefit of the public:

FoCP Data Protection Policy

All data is securely held by the FoCP and will be treated confidentially and with sensitivity for of the FoCP and its members in line with the stated objectives of the Group. Data is used for a range of FoCP activities, including the sending of the FoCP newsletter, the promotion of benefits and services available to members and notification of FoCP events.

The data is available to the FoCP, its officers and to agents contracted by the Group for particular FoCP-related projects.

Under the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998 you have the right to object to the use of your data for any of the above purposes. Should you wish to object to information about yourself being revealed, please contact the FoCP at [email protected].

Further information on the DPA is available from:

Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
Tel: +44 (0)1625 545 745. Web: