Membership Form

Joining the Friends of Christchurch Park

Joining The Friends of Christchurch Park is straightforward. We very much prefer payments to be made by Standing Order or by Online Bank Payment as these methods considerably reduce our administrative costs, but we can also accept cash or a cheque sent direct to the Membership Secretary.

Membership costs £10 per household per year, or £100 for lifetime membership. Subscriptions by cheque, cash or Standing Order are due each year on 1st March.

• If you already pay by continuous Standing Order, no further action is required.

• If you would like to pay by Standing Order, please fill in the online form below. For questions about Standing Orders, please call Robert Fairchild
on 01473 254255, or email Robert by clicking here

• We also accept payment by cash or cheque. In this case, please fill in the below online form and send the payment to Robert Fairchild, 17 Henley Avenue, Ipswich IP1 6RN

• We now also have the option of Lifetime Membership for a one off payment of £100.

If you choose to pay by Direct Bank Transfer, please use your name as the reference.