General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Privacy Notice

Friends of Christchurch Park was formed in 1998 with the following aims:

  • to secure the preservation, protection and improvement of the Park as a place of historic and ecological interest, beauty, tranquillity, rest and recreation
  • to promote the conservation of the natural plant, animal and bird life in the Park
  • to encourage appropriate use of the Park through a range of activities
  • to educate the public in the history, natural history and other aspects of the Park
FoCP works closely with Park Management and local council to achieve these aims, but no data is shared with these or any other organisation.

We recognise your data is important and as such we will process and store it safely and securely.

Data stored and processed to enable communication with you, our members, and distribution of newsletter three times a year. The majority of this communication is either electronic or hand-delivered, and the remainder is sent by Royal Mail.

Data is stored on an electronic database by our membership secretary/ Data Protection Officer on an individual computer.

Hard copies of this data are only produced to enable distribution of newsletters and any complimentary publications to members. It is not retained and is shredded after use.

No personal data is available via the FoCP website or wider Internet and therefore is not subject to Google analytics nor do we collect any information via electronic ‘cookies’.

We collect very basic demographic information about you, which you supply to us on joining FoCP.

This enables us to distribute our newsletter to you 3 times per year; all other communication is via the website, social media and noticeboards within the park and does not involve any personal data at all

We do not share your data with any other individual or organisation outside FoCP and no one else has access to your personal information.

This Privacy Notice will be reviewed every 2 years (next review May 2020)

Please contact our Data Protection Officer/ Membership Secretary if you want to view, amend or delete your personal data at either [email protected] or FoCP, c/o The Reg Driver Visitor Centre, Christchurch Park, Bolton Lane, Ipswich IP4 2EE