

Crack down on dog fouling

Dog fouling crack down – Council patrols will target offenders!

Ipswich Borough Council recently released this press release which followed on from meetings with FoCP representatives and others:

“Every month approximately 5 tonnes of dog waste is collected from dog waste bins. That’s really good and we thank all those good people who are doing the right thing and clearing up after their dogs. Sadly not everyone is clearing up after their dog and there are still too many piles of dog mess left on the parks and streets. This is so lazy and irresponsible. Little children can accidentally step into it or even worse fall onto it. It can also get stuck into tyres on bicycles, baby buggies and wheelchairs and is very difficult and unpleasant to clean up. Dog waste can transmit bacteria and viruses including, tapeworm, roundworm, E. Coli, Parvo and more.

Highly trained staff within IBC which include Park Patrol Officers, Litter Enforcement Officer and Community Caretakers have joined forces and will be taking a tough line on those not clearing up dog fouling and dropping litter. The team are patrolling the parks, streets and Highways of Ipswich and will issue offenders with a fixed penalty notice for £50. There are very few permissible excuses for not clearing up after your dog and the team operate a zero tolerance policy, no messing!

We need your help too, if you spot an offender in your street [or in the Park], let us know and give us a description of the offender, both owner and dog, the times the route is walked and we will arrange a patrol. See it, report it to Park and Open Spaces tel 01473 432132 or online through the IBC website under “report it”.

Bag it, tie it and bin it – this may mean taking it home to your domestic bin and not throwing it on the ground or up a tree when you leave the Park if no bins on your chosen route. Don’t leave it behind for others to tread in or it will cost you!”