

Fitness walking in the park

ActivLives is inviting people to come and try Nordic Walking in Christchurch Park on Monday 17th June, starting from the Reg Driver Centre.

Places are limited, so booking is essential at one of the two free sessions available from 10.45am – 11.45pm and 1.15pm – 2.15pm. A free lunch will be provided from noon to 1pm.

These sessions are open to anyone living in Ipswich but ActivLives would particularly like to hear from people who care for someone 18 years and over, such as a relative, partner, neighbour or friend.

Nordic Walking is a fun way to build strength, stamina, balance and co-ordination, improve posture and mobility and a great way to meet other people and make new friends. ActivLives would like to develop an ActivNordic Walking group in Ipswich for carers and others.

To support carers to attend respite funding is available. If you would like to find out more information or book your place and free lunch, please contact the ActivLives main office on 01473 261112.