
The Wilderness Pond Cabman's Shelter Burton Fountain Children's Playground Children's Orchard Bowls Green The Pavilion Cafe (The Kiosk) The Ice House Reg Driver Visitors Centre & Martyrs Monument Wolsey Garden Christchurch Mansion War Memorials The Wilderness Pond Wildlife Reserve The Ark The Croquet Lawns Wet Meadow & Butterfly Garden Upper Arboretum and Arts & Crafts Shelter Upper Arboretum and Arts & Crafts Shelter The Brett Fountain The Brett Fountain Tennis Courts Tennis Courts

The Wilderness Pond

This dates from the time of the 12th century Augustinian priory over which the present Christchurch Mansion was built. It would have been an important source of fish for the monks’ kitchen.

Today, it provides a home to a wide range of birds, fish, butterflies and bats. Look out especially for our resident Mandarin Ducks. These beautiful birds nest in holes in trees, hence the large bird boxes the Friends have put up on the islands.

Like many of Christchurch Park’s other facilities, The Wilderness Pond benefitted from the Heritage Lottery Fund restoration programme which was completed in 2009.